
About The Chehel Panjereh Hotel

The Chehel Panjereh Hotel opened in April 2000 in Esfahan. Impeccably built, The Chehel Panjereh combines uniqueness and cosiness with the comforts and facilities found only in modern and exclousive establishments.  Family orientation and comfort are two major vision statements of the hotel. The common areas of  the hotel were fundamentally renewed in 2016.

Chehel Panjereh is borrowed from an old folkloric Shirazi poem, which means forty windows. This poem illustrates a woman’s dream and fantasy to build a bathhouse with forty windows and pillars, glamorous and yet cosy. To create a loving ambience that is relaxing and refreshing for the King, as well as his entourage. We, the Chehel Panjereh family, wish to do the same for you.

Our hotel has

·         twenty-eight full sized Suites & Rooms each one unique in design, 

·      a bistro-style Café house,

·         Meeting rooms,

·     a  Wedding hall for different events, 

·      lobby with a beautiful view of Saadi Park

تعداد بازديد کنندگان:9383